Hi! Thanks for dropping in. I'm Tina.

This is my web portfolio.


I am a Full Stack Developer & React Enthusiast

Here are some past projects. They were built on a free hosting service so they may take a little time to load
( thank you for your patience! )

yelp clone fullstack project by Tina Tae


Local Eatery Indexing App inspired by Yelp
Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, React, Redux, AWS,
Google Maps API
covid-19 ppe request/collection/volunteer fullstack MERN project by Tina Tae


COVID PPE Request/Collection/Volunteer Site
MongoDB, Express.js, React, Redux, Node.js,
Google Maps API
personal analytics fullstack MERN project by Tina Tae


Personal Analytics App
MongoDB, Express.js, React, Redux, Node.js, CanvasJS
D3 honey bee bubble chart by Tina Tae

Honey Bee Graph

D3 Visualization of U.S. Honey Bee Colony Inventory
D3.js, jQuery, Express.js, React, Node.js

About Me

photo of sunny, floral California coastline by Tina Tae

I'm a Full Stack Developer
who enjoys the process of creating something from start to current build.

My current stack is JavaScript / TypeScript / React
with roots in Ruby on Rails, some C#, and in-progress Python.
( languages are not supposed to be the focal point here but I like learning new tech! )

I come from a solid background in service
so am drawn to people-oriented, social design

When I'm not at my computer,
I enjoy spending time in the outdoors,
attempting to grow things in my garden
and poking around to find regional gems.

Thank you for taking time to visit my site!
Not entirely sure when COVID restrictions will pass but I hope we get to meet sometime soon!

Additionally, because it's come up and I'm not entirely sure how to address this-
I have no connection whatsoever to a 'One-Stop Bling Shop' that shares my name.
I have Gemfiles